Venus: “Oh My Stars…it’s Mars!”

So, Mars,  if I well understand, you move forward and backward in your cycles around the zodiac.

Well said, my dear.  Today is the day I move forward and that certainly ends a stressful period for me.  Everything seemed to go topsy-turvy during the last three months.  I was cranky, pushy and obnoxious with everyone around me.

What happened?  Did all your plans go awry?

Not only that, but I had to reorganize all my document files, revise my teaching program and, to say the least, my finances took a nosedive.

Pauvre cheri.  So you really rearranged your personal and professional life, huh?

Yeah, things will get better now.  I’ll show my boss how well I can work on that marketing project.  By the way, did you know that I’m the organizer of the upcoming race of “Angels Among Us” in Durham?

No, I didn’t.  What a great opportunity to show your organizational skills.

You bet. I’m off and running because I need to print up the list of participants as well as the time schedule of the race.  With my renewed energy I’ll lead them all to victory.

Venus and Mars (marching off together arm in arm):
Hip, hip, hurray, we’re off to win another day!

Stay with us, follow us, follow your stars.


Our Amazing Astro Limerick Contest

Each week we’ll post a new limerick on the theme of that week’s blog post. We’ll ask you, our dear readers, to provide the closing line, in rhyme and on time (must be received by us the following Saturday evening).
So, read the limerick, put on your collective creative thinking caps and send your completing line in the “Leave a Reply”  box, below. Enter as many versions as you like.

This week’s limerick:

There once was a planet named Mars
Whose passion was driving fast cars
While watching the rear
He shifted his gear
__________________________! (your entry here)

Alors, si je comprends bien, tu avances et tu recules dans tes cycles autour du zodiac.

Bien dit, ma chérie. A partir d’ aujourd’hui j’ avance et cela termine trois mois de stress pour moi. Tout était dessus dessous pendant cette période.

Qu’ est-ce qui s’ est passé? Est-ce que tes projets avaient mal tourne?

Pas seulement ça mais j’ai dû réorganizer mes dossiers, revoir mon programme d’ enseignement et en plus mes finances étaient en chute libre.

Pauvre chou. Finalement as-tu réorganisé ta vie professionnelle et personnelle?

Oui et bien sur les choses vont s’ améliorer. Je montrerai à mon chef de quoi je suis capable sur ce projet de marketing. En plus, est-ce que tu savais que je suis directeur de la course “Angels Among Us” qui a lieu à Durham?

Non, je ne le savais pas. C’ est certainement un bon moment pour montrer tes talents d’ organisateur.

Je dois m’ en aller pour imprimer la liste des participants de la course, aussi bien que l’ horaire. Avec mon tonus retrouvé je vais mener les coureurs à la victoire.

Vénus et Mars (partant ensemble bras dessus, bras dessous):

Hip, hip, hip, hurra!

Restez auprès de nous, accompagnez-nous, suivez vos planètes.


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